Hello, I am so glad you are here! I started this blog mostly because I just couldn’t stop talking about food. To Those who know me in person, believe it or not, I was holding back! It could be a menu I am putting together for a movie night, a recipe I am working on to go with some history lesson for homeschool, or simply what I plan to make for dinner tonight with the poblano peppers I got on sale the other day. On here, I unleash all my ideas. You can pick and choose what you want to hear. My hope is that you will find ideas for yourself, or at the least, inspiration and encouragement in the world of food, especially with food that is shared.
Why Living Family Style?
I find food to be an adventure! It nourishes, but not just the body. I love sitting at the table while looking at my children’s smiling faces, listening about their day, and participating in their conversation starters. Or maybe my table is surrounded by some lovely ladies that have poured into my life, encouraged me, listened to me, and don’t care that my house is a mess. To me, family is not just the people you are related to by blood or law, but the people you share life with. It is the people with whom you can feel free to give and take without conditions. The freedom to share what is on your mind, and if it doesn’t come out right, they still know and appreciate your heart.
I would have to say Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday (or one of them, its really too hard to choose). I also love church potlucks, and in college we went to a little house church run by Korean immigrants. My favorite part was when they fed us afterwards. What these all have in common are large platters and bowls of comforting food that get passed around, slices of meat getting cut off the same big roast or bird, and then we all sit around the table to talk and share life.
Or in contrast to the big group setting, I remember one time sitting with my aunt with a bowl full of Jelly Bellies. We had such a fun time guessing what flavor we had eaten. It was just jelly beans, but we could sit and savor the conversation and those sweet morsels… and then have a good laugh when my uncle came through to sneak a bean and got the dreaded peanut butter one.
One of my biggest inspirations on a lifestyle of cooking and sharing food, is my dear friend Jesus Christ. When He talked about giving up the ultimate sacrifice of His body and His blood for our salvation, He did it in the form of food. One could say His secret ingredient at the last supper was love. As a follower of Jesus Christ, I try to LIVE like Him in both my cooking and feasting. The mundane and practical, the adventuresome and experimental, it is all fun and made richer by sharing.
So don’t forget the secret ingredient,
Chris Kemmling